STUDYGUIDE FOR the Judicial Unit: Court Structure, Civil Liberties & Civil Rights

1.) Review Chapters 4, 5, & 15 by:

                                                     a.) If not reading the chapter at least reading each section/summary: pgs. 147, 186, & 542

                                                      b.) going over class notes/ work

                                                      c.) doing the chapter review questions

                                                      d.) making sure you know the vocabulary

                                                      e.) start studying early!

II.) (Don't forget the Court Structure (Chapter 15) will be tested too!           

II.) Know the what, where, why, and limits/considerations of the following amendments:

         WHAT?                                  WHY?                           LIMITS/CONSIDERATIONS?



1st (all aspects)












III.) Know the significance of important cases such as:

a.) All the free speech cases from our notes and in class discussions

a.) Mapp v. Ohio

b.) Gideon v. Wainright/Betts v. Brady (know what happened to him)

c.) Miranda v. Arizona

d.) Regents of U.C. v. Bakke

e.) Dred Scott v. Sandford

f.) Plessy v. Ferguson

g.) Brown v. Board

h.) Roe v. Wade

i.) Webster v. Reproduction Health Services

j.) U.S. vs. Ross/ Carroll  vs. U.S.

k.) Furman v. Georgia/ Gregg vs. Georgia

l.) Gregg v. Georgia

m.) Zelman v. Simmons-Harris

n.) Kyllo v. U.S., 99-8508

o.) Grazt v. Bollinger (Univ. Michigan affirmative action)

n cases)

p.) Katz v. U.S.

q.) Zedner vs. U.S.

r.)  N.J. vs. TLO

s.) D.C. vs. Heller

t.) U.S. vs. Miller

         OTHER IMPORTANT CASES: Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Antonio, Acevedo v. U.S.,

IV: Important Rights to Know:

         a.) Bills of Attainder

         b.) Ex Post Facto Laws

         c.) Grand Jury

         d.) Habeus Corpus

         e.) Double Jeopardy

V: Important Terms to know:

a.) Stare Decisis

b.) judicial activism

c.) judicial restraint

d.) amicus curiae

e.) U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act

f.) de jure/ de facto segregation

g.) Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses

h.) rational basis/strict scrutiny tests

i.) jus soli/jus sanguinis

j.) naturalization/ expatriation

k.) preventative detention

l.) exclusionary rule/ probable cause/ reasonable suspicion/Pat down/Frisk

m.) Rule of Four

in.) Know the members of our current Supreme Court

j.) Writ of Certiorari

o.) know the different kind of opinions by Justices (their slant)

p.) due process

q.) jurisdiction

r.) know how the dual court system works

s.) District Courts versus Appeals Courts vs. Supreme Court

t.) beyond a reasonable doubt/ preponderance of evidence

u.) criminal/civil cases

v) petite versus grand jury

x) The security versus liberty debate (Military Tribunal, enemy combatant, racial profiling, treason, etc.)

y.) Brady Bill


 VI: Important Acts to know:

a.) Civil Rights Act of 1964 (know Title II, VI & VII)

b.) Voting Rights Act of 1965

c.) Civil Rights Act of 1968

d.) Title IX

e.) ERA