America Imperialism & the Great War


In Class Activity

AP Only Homework




  • Metaphor Project Presentation
  • Lecture: Imperialism up to Wilson and the "problem of Pancho Villa'
  • Start Review Lecture: WW1
  • Start working on WW1 Packet
  • Take Cornell notes on Historians on WW1
  • Thurs


  • Finish Lecture: America in WW1, Versailles & the fate of League of Nations
  • AP: Practice DBQ, P Work on WW1 Packet
  • While in an actual DBQ, you would now have 45 minutes to write your essay, tonight I want you to take only 25 minutes to produce an outline of your essay.
    Your outline should include: 1. Introduction: It should include bullet points of at least 3 specific details to include in contextualization. 2. At the end of your introduction A complex-split thesis statement, as it would appear in your essay. 3. Topic sentences for each body paragraph. Include: Which documents will you use. Paraphrase the content and the citation (Doc 1), etc. Which documents will you use H, A, P, or P? Which one will you use? Which outside evidence will you use? Counter-Argument & Body Paragraphs (for each paragraph) 4. Conclusion: Restate your thesis is another way.
  • Prep for Wilson Trial: Lawyers, Print out this document and come see Mr. Davey at tutorial for help.
  • If you did not finish up to section 2 in class today (of the white packet) finish it for Monday.
  • Mon


  • Activity League of Nations v 14 points & Peer Eval of DBQ
  • Lecture 1919: Red Summer & the Red Scare
  • Finish your peer review (make sure you put your name on their paper too).
  • Come debrief your test if you need to.
  • Finish your white packet
  • Do final trial prep (witnesses about a 2 page double spaced paper) on who your character is and most importantly their importance in the trial
  • Do the worksheet1920s Overview
  • Bring your computer to the next class and before you come, log on and make a student account at PBS Learning
  • Go to the new website
  • Wed


  • Trial of Woodrow Wilson
  • Activity League of Nations v 14 points.
  • Finish Read, evaluating and making comments on your peer's DBQ and fill out the Rubric

  • If you didn't finish it in class complete your gray WW1 Packet. Remember you don't have to do the 4 minute speech