1920s in America

Extra Credit Film Format


In Class Activity

Longterm Homework

HW Next Class

  • Finish Film: : Matewan
  • Continue Lecture the 1920s: The Presidency in the 1920s, & Sacco and Vanzetti
  • 1919 Chicago Black Sox Scandal as a metaphor for the era
  • Jury should be working on their paper
  • Interactively read Prelude - The Red Summer of 1919 by next Wednesday/Thursday. It's longer so don't leave it to the last minute
  • Finish Sacco and Vanzetti from class
    Be ready for quiz on Monday.
  • Mon
  • Quiz: Imperialism and WW1 (30 points)
  • Lecture 1920s presidents, start political cartoons
  • Jury should be working on their paper. It is due next class
  • Interactively read: Prelude - The Red Summer of 1919
  • Jury, don't forget your typed 2-3 page Wilson Trial paper with the verdict is due next class.
  • Wed
  • Finish 1920s Political Cartoons
  • Continue Lecture: 1920s
  • Pass out and discuss 1920s skits and 1920s day assignment
  • Do the worksheet 20s Overview
  • If you didn't finish your political cartoons in class today, complete them tonight.
  • Fri
  • Get in groups for 1920s Skits
  • Lecture cont: America in the 1920s: A Day at Ford's Video
  • Lecture/Activity: Women in the 1920s

    Lusita Leers was a circus performer who posited the idea that women were not less physically capable than men
  • Bring your computer to class
  • Interactively read your section for the 1920s skit (that was given in your class today)
  • Watch and take notes on Crash Course 32: The 1920s - The Exuberance of Prosperity
  • Bring your computer to the next class and before you come, log on and make a student account at PBS Learning
  • Tues
  • Finish Women's stations activity
  • Lecture continued: The 1920s Fundamentalism & Culture in the 1920s & example of Scopes Monkey Trial - discussion of censorship in schools today
  • Start discussing 1920s Review Skit Project

  • Babe Ruth was a major figure in revolutionizing America's national game.

  • Continue working on the skits
  • Here is a rough draft (might be final) or the Unit Test Study Guide
  • Bring your computer to class
  • Work on your skits with your group.
  • Finish if you didn't in class, the Women in the 1920s Handout and on the back write an introduction to an essay, ending with a thesis statement on the question of "Did women make significant progress in the 1920s or was it an illusion?"
  • Thur
  • Activity: Were the 1920s properly named: the Roaring 20s?.
  • Lecture Notes: Music, Art, & Literature of the 1920s
  • Time Permitting: Meet in groups to organize skits.

  • Amerlia Earhart the first woman to fly alone across North America and back
  • Continue prepping your skits

    Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford were two of film's industries earliest stars and created a stir by getting married
  • Mon
  • Bill Moyers: A Walk Through the 20th Century: The 1920s
  • Last of class time to write 1920s Skit

  • Al Capone ruled an empire of crime in the Windy City made possible by Prohibition
  • Make sure you've written your skits and are ready to practice them in class.
  • Wed
  • Stock Market Activity: 1920s to 1930s: & Identifying your Beliefs
  • Time to practice 1920s Skit

    Charlie Chaplin was perhaps the most famous silent film of all time and later got in trouble over making an anti-Hitler film, The Great Dictator

  • Josephine Baker was the first African American woman to star in a motion picture and to perform with an integrated cast at the American concert hall.
  • Bring food and costumes for 1920s day
  • Make sure you're skits are practiced and ready to go
  • Fri
  • 1920s Day!!!: 1920s Skits
  • Teaching dancing of the era (Charleston & Fox Trots)
  • Harlem Renaissance Art Walk Through
  • Do a peer eval for your skit groups
  • Study for your 1920s Test. Here is a starter studyguide. You will not get to use your notes on this one.
  • Finish the Harlem Renaissance Packet we did in class.
  • Wed
  • Test: 1920s (it will be 50 questions
  • Start the causes of the Great Depression
  • Assign Roles for the Mexican Repatriation Analysis
  • Watch Crash Couse #33: The Great Depression take notes & summarize
  • Interactively read the first page of your section of the Mexican Repatriation Trial
  • Go to the new website