Introduction to Economics

In Class Assignment



  • Welcome to class: Attendance & Green sheet and Website discussion:
  • Print out: Intro to Economics Lecture if you'd like. (Note: I will collect your notes at the end of each untit as part of your test grade.)
  • Download and read over Green Sheets. Have your parents sign them, but do not upload them yet
  • Print out and have your parents sign the Film Permission Slip
  • Join our classes Khan Academy page
  • Add your slide to the Introduction lecture.
  • Tues


  • Discuss 'Close Reading' example & 'Green Sheet'
  • ECON Introductory Lecture: Seinfeld Clips (scarcity, opportunity cost, and incentives)
  • Activity: Opportunity Cost in Russia
    For the vast majority of world history, human life - both culture and biology - was shaped by scarcity. Food, clothing, shelter, tools, and pretty much everything else had to be farmed or fabricated, at a very high cost in time and energy.
    --Martha Beck
  • Print out: Intro to Economics Lecture if you'd like
  • Close read On Tyranny.
  • Download your activity for the T-Shirt Activity during your asynchronous day on Wednesday and turn it in by tomorrow evening at 10:50pm.
  • Wed


  • Asynchronous Learning: Do the T-Shirt Activity
  • Turn in the T-Shirt Activity by 10:59 tonight.
  • Skim econ textbook pages 2-5 in econ textbook. You don't need to turn anything in for this.
  • Have your parents sign the following permission slip
  • Fri


  • Continue Lecture: Seinfeld Clips (scarcity, opportunity cost, and incentives) "What is Economics" Opportunity Costs?

    True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.
    - Franklin Roosevelt
  • Finish the Opportunity Cost handout we did in class and upload it to canvas.
  • Do Production Possibilities Assignment.
  • Make sure you've signed up for first Khan Academy because next week our asynchrnous assignment will be from there.
  • Please download and have ready for class on Monday this Smith and Marx (you don't need to read it before class).
  • Tues


  • Finish Lecture: Seinfeld Clips (scarcity, opportunity cost, and incentives) "What is Economics" Opportunity Costs?
  • Lecture: How do Economic Systems answer the fundamental economic systems?
  • Start Lecture: Economic Philosophers/Theories
  • Do Karl Marx and Adam Smith McDonalds Skit

    One in every eight American workers has been employed by McDonald's
  • Download the NPR Podcast form for your Wednesday asynchronous learning. doc format or PDF format and upload them Wednesday afternoon to Canvas.
  • Complete the first Khan Academy assignment tomorrow.
  • Print out, interactively read, (but don't do the questions) and bring to class the SJ Athletics Economic Impact
  • Interactively read your side of the Command/Market debate and skim the other side. Market is last names starting with A-N (Wear a white shirt to class) and Command is P-Z (Wear a red shirt to class)
  • Wed


  • Download the NPR Podcast form for your Wednesday asynchronous learning. doc format or PDF format and upload them Wednesday afternoon to Canvas.Asynchronous Learning: (lsiten to NPR News Now, Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal and do the assignments on Khan Academy. Take notes on the videos on the back page of your NPR guide.) Turn this in by 10:59 this evening.
  • Interactively read and prepare for your side of the economic systems debate either the Command or Market..



  • Debate: Command or Market Economy
  • Start Lecture: Economic Philosophers/Theories

    It is a socialist idea that making profits is a vice; I consider the real vice is making losses.
    - Winston Churchil
  • Complete the debate debrief from today
  • Check the updated Unit 1 Studyguide
  • Tues


  • Debrief Marx & Smith Activity
  • Finish Lecture: Economic Philosophers/Theories
  • Keynes v. Hayek Rap
  • Start Lecture Demand
  • San Jose A's Activity
  • Finish SJ A's Worksheet
  • Print out, interactively read, and do questions 1-8 on the Gas Sheet
  • Note we will not have a quiz for this unit but we will have one at the end of the next unit.
  • Wed


  • Download the NPR Podcast form for your Wednesday asynchronous learning. doc format or PDF format and upload them Wednesday afternoon to Canvas.Asynchronous Learning: (lsiten to NPR News Now, Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal and do the assignments on Khan Academy. Take notes on the videos on the back page of your NPR guide.) Turn this in by 10:59 this evening.
  • Print out, interactively read, and do questions 1-8 on the Gas Sheet if you haven't yet.
  • Go to next unit Labor & Business.